We are Future Ready!

Technology Roadmap
Technology Roadmap
Our Technology Roadmap aligns with the Orcutt Union School District's Strategic Plan (adopted March 11, 2015), specifically in the areas of 21st Century Skills and Flexible Learning Environments. Annual goals identified in this plan and are contingent upon the availability of adequate resources and funding. An overarching goal of the plan is to seek additional funding sources and partnerships to ensure the success of the plan.
Progress Meter
Launch the sixth cohort of the Digital Media Academy (DMA 3.0) highlighting our new partnership with WeVideo. Host annual Educational Media Innovation Awards film festival in May 2020.

Launch the fifth cohort of the district's iPad Action Research Academy. Teachers will be selected to participate via an application process and will receive classroom sets of iPads. Participants will engage in monthly collaboration sessions on integrating mobile technology in the classroom as part of their ongoing professional development.

Launch a fourth Chromebook Academy for junior high/high school teachers. Teachers will be selected to participate via an application process and will receive classroom sets of Chromebooks. Participants will engage in monthly collaboration sessions on integrating mobile technology in the classroom as part of their ongoing professional development.

Finish replacing aging LCD projectors and stationary teaching stations with large energy-efficient LED screens and wireless projection devices. Through the use of devices like Apple TV, teachers and students will be able to project from multiple devices from anywhere in the classroom.
Target: 35 classrooms

Replace traditional computer labs with mobile computer labs. Provide training on using the new mobile labs and assist sites with scheduling.
Target: Three labs
Replace 25% of teacher laptops and staff computers as part of our four-year refresh cycle.
Offer eight technology-related professional development sessions for teachers and/or staff.

Replace existing PBX phone system with a robust Voice over IP (VoIP) communications platform.

Add additional Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) units in head-end network rooms at all sites.
UPS systems protect hardware such as computers, data centers, telecommunication equipment or other electrical equipment when an unexpected power disruption occurs.

Upgrade existing wireless Access Points (APs) and add additional APs to sites as needed.

Progress Meter
Launch the fifth cohort of the Digital Media Academy (DMA 2.0). Host annual Educational Media Innovation Awards film festival in May 2019.

Launch the fourth cohort of the district's iPad Action Research Academy. Teachers will be selected to participate via an application process and will receive classroom sets of iPads. Participants will engage in monthly collaboration sessions on integrating mobile technology in the classroomas part of their ongoing professional development.

Launch a third Chromebook Academy for junior high/high school teachers. Teachers will be selected to participate via an application process and will receive classroom sets of Chromebooks. Participants will engage in monthly collaboration sessions on integrating mobile technology in the classroom as part of their ongoing professional development.

Set expectations on the use of the Common Sense Media curriculum at each site. These units are designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world.

Continue replacing aging LCD projectors and stationary teaching stations with large energy-efficient LED screens and wireless projection devices. Through the use of devices like Apple TV, teachers and students will be able to project from multiple devices from anywhere in the classroom.
Target: 60 classrooms

Replace traditional computer labs with mobile computer labs. Provide training on using the new mobile labs and assist sites with scheduling.
Target: Three labs
Replace 25% of teacher laptops and staff computers as part of our four-year refresh cycle.

Offer eight technology-related professional development sessions for teachers and/or staff.

Progress Meter
Launch the fourth cohort of the Digital Media Academy. Host annual Educational Media Innovation Awards film festival in April 2018.

Launch the third cohort of the district's iPad Action Research Academy. Teachers will be selected to participate via an application process and will receive classroom sets of iPads. Participants will engage in monthly collaboration sessions on integrating mobile technology in the classroomas part of their ongoing professional development.

Launch a second Chromebook Academy for junior high/high school teachers. Teachers will be selected to participate via an application process and will receive classroom sets of Chromebooks. Participants will engage in monthly collaboration sessions on integrating mobile technology in the classroom as part of their ongoing professional development.

Develop or select a K-12 Digital Citizenship curriculum unit designed to empower students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world.

Continue replacing Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) units in head-end network rooms at all sites.
UPS systems protect hardware such as computers, data centers, telecommunication equipment or other electrical equipment when an unexpected power disruption occurs.

Continue replacing aging LCD projectors and stationary teaching stations with large energy-efficient LED screens and wireless projection devices. Through the use of devices like Apple TV, teachers and students will be able to project from multiple devices from anywhere in the classroom.
Target: 30 classrooms

Replace traditional computer labs with mobile computer labs. Provide training on using the new mobile labs and assist sites with scheduling.
Target: Four labs
Create Maker Spaces at remaining sites, based on Orcutt Academy High School's model.
Target: Five schools
Replace 25% of teacher laptops and staff computers as part of our four-year refresh cycle.
Offer six technology-related professional development sessions for teachers and/or staff.


Progress Meter
Launch the third cohort of the Digital Media Academy. Host annual Educational Media Innovation Awards film festival in May 2017.
Launch the second cohort of the district's iPad Action Research Academy. Teachers will be selected to participate via an application process and will receive classroom sets of iPads. Participants will engage in monthly collaboration sessions on integrating mobile technology in the classroom as part of their ongoing professional development.

Launch a Chromebook Academy for junior high/high school teachers. Teachers will be selected to participate via an application process and will receive classroom sets of Chromebooks. Participants will engage in monthly collaboration sessions on integrating mobile technology in the classroom as part of their ongoing professional development.

Continue replacing aging LCD projectors and stationary teaching stations with large energy-efficient LED screens and wireless projection devices. Through the use of devices like Apple TV, teachers and students will be able to project from multiple devices from anywhere in the classroom.
Target: 30 classrooms

Replace Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) units in head-end network rooms at all sites.
UPS systems protect hardware such as computers, data centers, telecommunication equipment or other electrical equipment when an unexpected power disruption occurs.

Evaluate current bandwidth from our Internet Service Provider (ISP) to the district office and from the district office to school sites. Determine if additional bandwidth is needed and explore ISP and data connectivity options.

Transform traditional computer labs into flexible learning spaces. Replace legacy PCs with mobile computing devices.
Target: Three labs

Create Maker Spaces at additional sites, based on Orcutt Academy High School's model.
Target: Three schools

Offer four technology-related professional development sessions for teachers and/or staff.

Replace 25% of teacher laptops and staff computers as part of our four-year refresh cycle.

Launch a second cohort of the Digital Media Academy. Deploy additional MacBook carts to sites to support this year's participants. Host the annual Educational Media Innovation Awards in May 2016.

Progress Meter
Launch the first cohort of the district's iPad Action Research Academy. 28 teachers will be selected to participate via an application process and will receive classroom sets of iPads. Participants will engage in monthly collaboration sessions on integrating mobile technology in the classroomas part of their ongoing porfessional development.

Add additional capacity to the district's Wi-Fi network as needed. As additional wireless enabled devices are deployed, it is necessary to increase the number of devices that can be simultaneously connected in device-dense areas.

Begin replacing aging LCD projectors and stationary teaching stations with large energy-efficient LED screens and wireless projection devices. Through the use of devices like Apple TV, teachers and students will be able to project from multiple devices from anywhere in the classroom.
Target: 30 classrooms
Evaluate current backup/recovery and data protection policies and procedures. Investigate offsite data replication for disaster recovery purposes.

Upgrade network infrastructure at the Casmalia and Los Alamos campuses. This will include replacing core switches, adding site-based domain controllers, and creating a network tunnel back to the district office.
Redesign the district and school websites. Implement a user-friendly web framework to ensure that information is kept current and easy is to find by consumers.
Establish a refresh cycle for computers, laptops, and tablet devices used by teachers/staff and students. Use technology inventory systems to monitor refresh cycle.

Progress Meter
Launch the district's Digital Media Academy (DMA) cohort of 30 teachers. Host the inaugural Educational Media Innovation Awards celebrating the hard work of this year's teachers and students participating in DMA.
Implement web-based inventory and reporting systems for curriculum and technology assets.

Install and configure new email communication system (Microsoft Exchange 2013) and migrate all staff mailboxes to the new system. Set up shared calendars and email distribution groups.

Configure Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution to effectively manage and monitor existing mobile devices and streamline the deployment of devices in the future.